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Wiccanings and other life milestones


Wiccanings are Wiccan/Pagan baby naming ceromonies. Usually performed in the first two to three months after birth, the infant is givin its name and introduced to the God and Goddess.  God and Goddess parents are choosen at this time. These can either be one each for example a god father and goddess mother or it can be two couples hence a god father and god mother and a goddess father and goddess mother. While in some tradations this is considered a dedication to the craft in our tradation we reserve the dedication until the child is old enough to choose. 

Other life milestones

Lifes other milestones can include such thngs as coming of age, a girls first mense,when a boy turns 14, dedication and iniation. Lifes milestones are entirely up to you to choose what you wish to celebrate. 

The Bright Moon Coven

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